All photography provided by Jared Chambers

I help people with relationship issues related to:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Post Traumatic Stress

  • ADHD and other Behavioral Disorders

  • Marriage Issues

  • Men’s Issues

  • Infidelity

  • School Problems

  • Addictions

  • Adjustments

  • Grief

  • Stress

  • Forgiveness

  • Boundaries

I have a passion to help you put the pieces of your life and your relationships together again.


My Mission and calling

I'm a faith-based Marriage and Family Therapist with over 30 years of counseling experience. I've worked as a clinical supervisor, guidance counselor, adjunct professor, and works currently with children, couples and families to better their relationships and reduce stress. I'm passionate about providing resources and tools to help clients become the best that they can be. I'm open to providing workshops, and community presentations and a variety of resources to clients to better meet the goals they set. Give me a call for a free half hour consultation!

What I’ve Achieved

I’ve been involved as a teacher, guidance counselor, coach working in public schools for almost 25 years. I’ve been licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist since 2003 and have licenses in both California and Idaho. I’ve also served as an adjunct professor teaching and supervising new therapists in the art of clinical interviewing and testing their competencies in assessment, diagnosis, case formulation, and treatment planning.

I’ve provided teacher consultations and workshops on identifying mental health issues in the classroom, how to deal with difficult students including those with ADHD significant anxiety, and behavior disorders, parenting, boundaries, grief, forgiveness, and stress management.

I’m passionate about helping families put the pieces together based on my experience as a husband, father and grandfather.